So here is how to do it. Follow the numbers on the screen shots with this numbered list.
In g-mail, go under contacts and click New Contact.
- 1. Fill in your name, emails, phone numbers anything you please.
- 2. You can add new fields with the ADD button. In the notes section on the right, put in whatever others may find useful. For example, i put in preferred way to contact me. I didn't input my picture as g-mail will pick up my default picture set in g-mail settings.
- 3. When you're done create a new group and call it myself.
- 4. Add yourself to the group.
- 5. Go to More Actions and select Export
- 6. Export the group myself - you will have 3 choices. Do all 3, name the files approprietly. For example: Polishpaul-Google.cvs, Polishpaul-outlook.cvs and Polishpaul.vcf.
Now just send it out and the other party will be able to import this contact with full information provided for you. A bit of a pain, but once its done, its done for a while.