Sharing gmail contacts - share your self-contact with others

I''m trying to consolidate all my contacts into g-mail especially now that I'm now using a Droid X. I can just email blast everyone and ask them to type out their info, but i found a neat workaround in Google's lack of vCard support. They say its coming soon. By creating a contact of yourself in g-mail, and then creating a contact group called myself you can export it to a .CSV file and send to others so they can add you to their contact list in a snap!

So here is how to do it. Follow the numbers on the screen shots with this numbered list.
In g-mail, go under contacts and click New Contact.
  1. 1. Fill in your name, emails, phone numbers anything you please.
  2. 2. You can add new fields with the ADD button. In the notes section on the right, put in whatever others may find useful. For example, i put in preferred way to contact me. I didn't input my picture as g-mail will pick up my default picture set in g-mail settings.
  3. 3. When you're done create a new group and call it myself.
  4. 4. Add yourself to the group.
  5. 5. Go to More Actions and select Export
  6. 6. Export the group myself - you will have 3 choices. Do all 3, name the files approprietly. For example: Polishpaul-Google.cvs, Polishpaul-outlook.cvs and Polishpaul.vcf.

Now just send it out and the other party will be able to import this contact with full information provided for you. A bit of a pain, but once its done, its done for a while.