So I've been bitten by the Chess bug - it’s all I can think about. I also keep thinking about the fact that I don't have a chessboard with me. I do own a giant and gorgeous rose-wood Staunton set at home; it has 3 inch pawns and 6 inch pieces! But I need a regular boxed set; perhaps I'll be bidding on one soon.
But in the mean time, I found a pretty neat tool for playing chess by e-mail online easily. So if you'd like to play me visit:
SoundChessI'm a bit rusty and the computer is kicking my butt!!! I think I rely more on the human mistakes than my own skill. For some dammed reason, I make the dumbest mistakes when playing against a computer! Does anyone remember Battle Chess? Ahh.. I remember playing it on a 286 with a 4 color CGA monitor... Anyway, hit me up for a game!
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